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If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel, you might have been tempted to get the most for your money and take some “souvenirs.” You’re not alone. Still, that doesn’t mean we’re allowed to take everything that’s not nailed down. So, what are the things you can and can’t take from hotels?

Most branded items are up for grabs

Believe it or not, but many branded items at hotels are up for grabs. That doesn’t mean everything with a logo is yours for the taking. Instead, this is reserved for things such as shampoo, pens, coffee filters, laundry bags, or other small items that are usually replaced in between each guest. In fact, many hotels encourage people to take these things home to reduce waste and give someone a memento of their stay. Plus, they can quickly become free advertising for the hotel and replaced for a small fee in between rooms being used.

Soft goods are off limits at most hotels Soft goods are off limits at most hotels
Source: Travel Binger

Soft goods are off limits at most hotels

If you find yourself looking at the soft goods in your hotel room, it’s time to think again. Hotels often encourage people to leave the robes, sheets, and towels behind as they’re expensive things to replace. Sure, one missing towel here and there isn’t going to break the hotel’s bank, but if every guest decides to take one, it quickly adds up. In fact, some estimate that people stealing soft goods from hotel rooms could cost the industry up to $100 million a year. Instead, it’s best to leave these things be.

Some hotels have tracking devices

It turns out that some hotels have had enough of people stealing their things that they have tracking devices that alert sensors if they make their way outside the building. They often work by allowing things to be monitored and checked in and out. Others don’t have trackers but do have manual inventories which need to be updated. If you take something that’s flagged up as missing, you could find yourself with an extra charge by the time you get home.

Stealing certain items could see you on a no-stay list Stealing certain items could see you on a no-stay list
Source: Germain Hotels